Parents & Students
Parents and Students, welcome to the Waverly Central High School.
A Note From Mr. Stookey, Principal of WCHS
Whether you are a new student, an incoming freshman, or a returning student, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Waverly Central High School. As we begin the new school year, please keep the following objectives in mind:
Every individual in our building has important roles that he or she serves in; this includes you as a student.
Every adult in this school, whether he or she is serving in the capacity of a teacher, a coach, a custodian, a cafeteria worker, etc., is here to see that you succeed as a student and will work diligently to do what is necessary to help you reach your full potential.
Our first priority at WCHS is to provide each student with a safe learning environment.
Students, it is your responsibility to come to school with a respectful attitude prepared to learn. Parents, it is your responsibility to support the faculty and staff as well as your child and encourage them to come to school prepared to learn. It is our responsibility as educators to facilitate that learning.
High school should be an exciting time in everyone’s life. High school is one step closer to when you should act and be treated more like an adult. During your time at WCHS you should take advantage of the opportunities that are available so that you may explore and develop whatever talents and interests you may have, so that you can begin to set goals and be prepared for the next chapter in your life. What you decide to do with your life after high school is a monumental decision and responsibility. It is a decision that, with guidance, is left up to you and whatever dreams and aspirations you may have. Your education in part will be determined by the effort that you put into it. Do not leave Waverly Central High School unprepared. Let your education be an asset in your life.
Shawn Stookey
Waverly Central High School